Sesame Street Jewellery

I decided to make some jewellery at the cottage today and was happy to find some old  kids’ books that were about to be thrown out. I made one ring and two pairs of earrings.

I used a coin as the base and super glued the paper onto it. Then I trimmed the paper and decoupaged the entire thing.

I attached the Big Bird coin to a blank ring I had from an old jewellery making kit.

I think these Bert and Ernie post earrings are my favourite. I super glued the attachments onto the back.

Everyone loves Cookie Monster!

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4 Responses to Sesame Street Jewellery

  1. Maranda says:

    I saw this on craftgawker and am feeling very inspired by the adorable creativity of this post! That is just such a cute idea! ❤

  2. Jill says:

    Gwyneth , an amazing blog … keep it up!!!!
    Love Jill

  3. Pingback: Inspiration Thursday

  4. My girl’s birthday is coming along next month, I look for nice gift to give her a surprise. I come across this post about nice-looking jewelry by chance. I think I have a idea.

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